What is the Difference Between a Web Developer & a Designer?

When people hear the terms; web designer and web developer, they usually get confused. Both the terms are often used interchangeably. However, the two job profiles are needed in order to produce a website but have different functions. A company that offers web development services in Mohali usually has both web developers and developers. And it is easy to see why many people confuse web designers and web developers.

Well, don’t worry, this article will help you understand what these differences are. So you can choose the right design team for your project and get exactly what you need without paying more than you should for it.

What is Web Design?

Web design typically includes designing a webpage or website. By design, we mean, adding graphical elements such as colors, font, images, and the way in which a website is created to make it look aesthetically pleasing. A web designer needs the help of a graphic designer to create images and add other elements to the site to make it look more beautiful. 

A designer will set up the framework for the look and feel of the website. A website designer will employ tools such as Flash, animation, CSS, and HTML.

What is Web Development? 

Web development is the process in which a developer actually develops a website from the very beginning. It is essential so that the site works effectively and so the back end of the website is not usually seen by people viewing the web pages. Although, important work needs to be undertaken on this aspect of building a website in order to present the correct format for website visitors to view. Mostly, web developers are involved in forming and writing codes for the server side of the website. To do so, they need to have a good knowledge of ASP, and PHP. XHTML, HTML, AJAX, ColdFusion, and PERL, for example. Also, they must know ways to deal with any databases necessary for a website and cover database design and development.

Difference between Web Developer & Web Designer


Web designers are responsible for bringing your vision to life. They make sure that every element of your website, from fonts to graphics, looks attractive and professional. On the other hand, web developers are responsible for making sure that your website is functional. This means they will be taking care of aspects such as programming languages and back-end code.

However, these two roles often work closely together on projects, with one person often leading the process. And it doesn't matter if you are new to building websites or an expert - it can be difficult to tell who does what just by looking at their job title.


Designers are generally more focused on how their design will look, while developers focus on how it functions. Designers will often be expected to have some coding knowledge, but developers know all about code. 

A web designer takes care of the design aspect of websites, logos, etc., while a web developer focuses on the technical side. They both use codes and languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript to create web pages. But the roles differ in that designers only work with one language or maybe two at most (HTML + CSS), whereas developers have to master them all (HTML + CSS + PHP).

In a nutshell, both web designers and developers are responsible for building the fundamental of any website. The designer creates everything a user sees, while the developer creates everything that remains on the backend. And if you are thinking of creating a website for your own business, hire the best web development company in Mohali to get started. 


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